Headline 150HP & 160HP series housings are constructed entirely from 316L stainless steel, either with Viton or PTFE seals. Suitable for both liquids and gases, these housings are ideal for high flow corrosive applications with 1" to 2" line sizes as well as SAE threads. A variety of flange connections are also available and the housings can be supplied in some exotic materials such as Alloy 400.lloy 400.
Viton seals are standard but others are available:
Mounting Brackets & Support Cores are available,
Port Size - NPT
1 1/2"
Drain Size - NPT
Max. Pressure - Bar (1)
Max. Temperature - ºC (2)
Filter Element Codes (3)
Disposable Element
Stainless Steel Element
PTFE Element
(1) Above 200ºC the pressure rating is reduced, consult Headline Filters for the exact rating at any specific temperature.
(2) Maximum temperature 200ºC using standard seals. For temperatures up to 450ºC use a high temperature gasket.
(3) Replace ‘xx’ with grade required, e.g. 51-476-50C, SS-51-476-25, PT-51-476-03.